Promo pack that was part of the 2020 Kickstarter campaign. The pack includes the following:
Promo Cards are added to the other items in the game.
– Early Riser When played, if you are tied with another claimant in a split, this card resolves the tie in your favor.
– Intern When played, you may trade up to two loose tiles in your collection with another player s loose tiles OR with the Field Leader. A loose tile is a tile that is not part of a completed and revealed set. The trade with another player must be voluntary. Trades must be even: 1 for 1 or 2 for 2 tiles.
You may NOT trade a plant or a Pterodactyl.
– New Discovery This card allows the player to create their own dinosaur fossil set. You must use 4 different tiles to create the set. It must contain a tile with a head, a tile with a spine, a tile with legs, and a tile with a tail.
When you have completed this dinosaur and reveal the tiles, you must reveal this card. The dinosaur will award you 8 points at the end of the game and you will gain an amber, as usual.
– Botanist Reveal at the end of the game when points are being tallied. If you have more plant tiles than all of the other players, then you will score 5 bonus points. If you are tied with another player(s) for the most plant tiles, then you only score 3 bonus points.